
Have any of YOU people ever done something completely random for no reason at all in the middle of the night? No? Didn't think so. But anyway, it was late and I was tired, but for some reason I decided it would be a good idea to- right then -clean my room. If you are one of my friends ir someone that knows me really well reading this, your reaction is probably, "OK...wait, WHAT? YOUR ROOM? Cleaned? Preposterous!" But it is true. Before, you couldn't step in my room without stepping on something. Seriously. Clothes and my sister's toys and stuff...I share a room with my sister, and we both enjoy procrastinating, so my room gets cleaned about once a never. Ever. But it is now. Mostly. The question is WHY? Why did I clean my room in the middle of the night when I was already super tired? WHY? The world may never know.


  1. I know why.
    You were abducted by mutant clones of Pablo the Walrus.

  2. Maybe I was...maybe I wasn't. I'll never tell.
