Okay, folks. I'm having a bit of writer's block, and am severely stuck. Perhaps you charming people and/or robots could enlighten me on what you actually want to read about? I mean, just look at the title of this post. I admit I've done better. So I decided to use this post to draw a picture of puffins on a rampage, considering that the title of my last post had nothing to do with its content.
So if you want to suggest something, please feel free to comment. Thanks!

Puffins on a Rampage

I'm ashamed. It's been so liong since I last posted. Except guess what???? There was a power outage in my house yesterday! I woke up and then suddenly my hallway light went off and so did my closet light. And I was like, "Dad? The power totally just went out." And we checked everything and nothing would work and it didn't come back on until six. Also we had to eat all the ice cream we owned because it was melting because the freezer wasn't cooling it and we actually managed to eat two and a half containers of ice cream. RUN ON SENTENCES!!!!!!! Hahahaahahahahahahaahahhaha......

I Know I Haven't Posted in a While...

But guess why? I've spent the week in a cabin in the vast wilderness of Wisconsin. It was a 7 hour drive.
o_O And when we got their there was much eating of s'mores, reuniting with cousins, and contemplating the galaxy. Also I want to show you something hilarious....Cookie Monster when faced with the prospect of fruit!