How to Be a Genius

Hi, my name is Becca. I understand you want to be a genius, but you must understand that a series of difficult tasks awaits you. The climb from stupid to ***GENIUS*** is no bowl of roses.

Don't despair, it's not impossible! You can be like me in no time!* But how? Well, I'll tell you!

*It actually might take some time.

1. Use monumental words in order to confuse homosapiens into inferring that you're smarter than them.

2. Never ever say that you like popular movies or songs. This will create the 'Hey! I'm common...' effect. Are you common? Is that really all you strive for in life? Not anymore.

3. Write in long paragraphs even if you have nothing to say just so that people will guess that you're mind is full of genius ideas even though you're stupid. For instance, you can write an entire paragraphs on how grapefruits are constantly changing the nation with their tart flavors and bittersweet personalities. Or on how P!nk Should dye her skin blue for a contrast effect. Yes friends, long paragraphs always come through.

4.  Constantly say that you can't hang out with people because you are too busy doing quadratic equasions to solve the mystery of pi or experiamenting a better cure for rabies or having a dispute over whether verbs are truly the best for complete sentences and for literature in general.

5. Laugh at people for saying "I hate english" or "Math sucks" and go on to explain to them that it's only because you're better than them at it.

6. Come to school really tired one day and say it's because you were up all night curing cancer.

7. Find out the weaknesses of others and use their weaknesses to make yourself look good. Yes, this is mean. Your point?

8. Create an easy program designed to make something that would actually take years look extremely easy and very acheivable. This step is really quite simple because modern society uses magazines, models, movies, whatever you like, to make people feel as if they aren't good enough as somebody else. All you have to do is tell them you can cure their obvioous depression and fix their problems and all they have to do is follow these basic steps, right after buying your book.

Now go look in the you see a genius? If you can't see the genius, I suggest you re-read the instructions. Clearly you didn't read it right, but that's okay. You can call 1-800-WISHIWASLIKEBECCA
for more information.

Sheep Hoarding is Not a Joke: An Easy, Seven-Step Program Designed to Change Your Life


If you are reading this, you or a loved one probably has an issue with sheep hoarding. Don't worry. This is curable and completely natural. My seven-step program took years of research and is kind of guaranteed to make your life different. Don't believe me? Ask our satisfied customers!

Ask Wendy!

Ask James!

You could be just like them! Follow the steps below to achieve your DREAMS!

  1. Step one is to admit you have a sheep hoarding problem. It's okay, you're not alone.
    2. Once you have admitted you have a problem, meditate. This may be the most important step in the process. Everyday you must hike up a dangerous mountain path. At the top, build a fire inside a cave and sing a mystical jungle chant. You may eat nothing but berries and dry toast. Any violation of this step may lead to severe consequences.

    3. Shave your sheep. Sheep are usually so hoardable because of their soft coats. Once they no longer have such a beautiful layer of fuzz, you may find yourself despising the sheep you once loved to hoard. This is good.

   4. Donate their fur to a local animal shelter. If the animal shelter won't take their wool, give them to a person you don't know. You might even make a new friend!

    5. Donate your sheep to a local hospital. Although the hospital may be resistant at first, we can kind of guarantee that they will eventually take your sheep in and treat them as family. It never fails!

   6. Change your focus of interest to something more healthy, like perhaps a board game, or yoga.

   7. Get a pet to keep you company. It should be fuzzy and not to big. Here is a list of animals you may want to consider:
  • kitten
  • hamster
  • velociraptor
  • rhinoceros
  • puppy
  • pirahna
  • sheep
If this does not help, I can only say that you are psychologically disturbed. It's okay, this natural and completely curable. For more help, call 1-800-PSYCHOLOGICALLYDISTURBED.



Okay, look. This post is not about potential energy. I just really, really hate potential energy. I mean, seriously!!! It doesn't even do anything except sit around and wait to become kinetic! And sometimes, that doesn't even happen. It's like a Hollywood wannabe. Eughhh. You may have noticed I have been changing my blog format a lot recently. See, I think it's cool to spice things up every now and then. And always. So yeah.

I have good news...
The drought of strange animals with cool names has come to an end!!!! Ladies, gentlemen...please welcome...

Isn't Gregory beautiful?

You are STRANGE yet awesome.

School Should Be Illegal

Hey, kids! You probably just started school, right? Looking forward to that heap of homework, right? WRONG! Why should you be dragged from the comforts of your home to the mandatory torture we call SCHOOL?! School is, for starters, bad for your self esteem. What right do those so called "teachers" have to judge us based on how smart we is?!?! The tick to good self esteem is to lower your expectations to the point where they're already met! We're perfect the way we are! Next off, homework, is, I believe, listed under the United States Justice System as a cruel or unusual punishment. (, it's not, but it should be!!!) So, my equals, my peers! Raise your fists in unity! Raise your fist and join us in our quest to expel SCHOOL!

*Sigh.* Yes, I started two weeks ago.  o___O


Okay, folks. I'm having a bit of writer's block, and am severely stuck. Perhaps you charming people and/or robots could enlighten me on what you actually want to read about? I mean, just look at the title of this post. I admit I've done better. So I decided to use this post to draw a picture of puffins on a rampage, considering that the title of my last post had nothing to do with its content.
So if you want to suggest something, please feel free to comment. Thanks!

Puffins on a Rampage

I'm ashamed. It's been so liong since I last posted. Except guess what???? There was a power outage in my house yesterday! I woke up and then suddenly my hallway light went off and so did my closet light. And I was like, "Dad? The power totally just went out." And we checked everything and nothing would work and it didn't come back on until six. Also we had to eat all the ice cream we owned because it was melting because the freezer wasn't cooling it and we actually managed to eat two and a half containers of ice cream. RUN ON SENTENCES!!!!!!! Hahahaahahahahahahaahahhaha......

I Know I Haven't Posted in a While...

But guess why? I've spent the week in a cabin in the vast wilderness of Wisconsin. It was a 7 hour drive.
o_O And when we got their there was much eating of s'mores, reuniting with cousins, and contemplating the galaxy. Also I want to show you something hilarious....Cookie Monster when faced with the prospect of fruit!

Yes I Know My Blog Is Different

Yaaaaaaaaaay! My blog is different. In more ways than one... I changed it a little bit, the background and the text and don't worry, it's still my blog!  Or maybe you weren't worried... maybe you were secretly hoping it wasn't my blog anymore....WELL GUESS WHAT? IT STILL IS! SO HA! >:)


Okay, so this week I took a class on Making Comics. I made one called Fish Tank about wizards. No, just kidding, it was about fish in a tank. On Thursday we all put our heads together and made a one page comic about a Llama who is brutally murdered by starving orphans and then used as soup. :( It was pretty disturbing. Then I went home and watched Pride and Prejudice. I hope this post was entertaining and informative.

How to be AWESOME

So you want to be awesome, huh? Well, in this easy, 7 step program, you can be awesome in as little as 48 years!

Step 1: Establish a radical nickname, like R-Dog, or Minty, or The Deathman, or Cant E. Lope

Step 2: Don't talk to anyone who is below your level of Awesomeness. Instead, look them in the eyes and sigh, then shake your head sadly.

Step 3: Wait approximately 47 years or until everyone who use to laugh at you has forgotten you. Then find their home address, ring the doorbell, offer them a balloon, and yell, "HA! REMEMBER ME? NO BALLOON FOR YOU!" Then rampage their house with a baseball bat and deny everything the police accuse you of.

Step 4: Only hang out with the cool people, like Bono, Elvis, and Tre Cool.

Step 5: Become a rapper or a CIA agent.

Step 6: Everytime you introduce yourself to somebody else crash a pair of cymbals after your nickname to increase the dramatic effect.

Step 7: Always wear sunglasses with mirrors on the other side so that you can see other people's eyes, but they cant see yours.


Okay, so I haven't been posting as often as I would like to. But seriously. Have you ever tried to write a blog? It's hard work! So, from now on, I'm afraid I am just going to post when I have something really good to post about, because I'm tired of my posts being stupid but frequent. I mean, I think I could have done a bit better than If Horses Were Carnivores. Anyway, my blog being interesting and funny is more important to me than it being updated every day. So I'm sorry. Forgiven? Thanks.


What If Horses Were Carnivores?

My brother told me tahat if horses were carnivores there would be an end to all humanity. And he's right. They are so much bigger than us that they would kill us all and eat us! First, they would escape the barns. Then, they would rampage the cities. Then, they would kill us all and become the most powerful creature in the world. Eventually, they would develop opposable thumbs. They would settle colonies and then have them become states. Create a constitution. Have wars. Create automobiles. Yes, if horses were carnivores, we would not last long.


I am replying to comments now! So here are a select few comments that I wanted to reply to.

Comment on Life: Moby dick is epic. He can bite peoples legs off.
Reply: Yes. Yes he is.

Comment on List of Words: What's porpskillion
Reply: It's a number thats more than a million but less than infinity.

Comment on Elbow Writing: i sxz ujghhbn 5xcgfvr d mm5a2 JKMkl, .! (I sent you that email!) I SXZDJUHMNXC D, ZGH GHBN XKL,  M (I SUCK AT THIS)
Reply: Why, yes. Yes you do.

Comment on 7 Ways to Make My Blog Super Popular: Do hamster's even have cousin-in-laws?
Reply: Have you ever tried asking one?

I hope you found t hese answers/replys to comments helpful.


A few days ago, my sister and I were playing Life. You know the board game, right? Yeah. So she landed on the space that said Baby Boy, so I asked here what she was going to name him, jokingly. She looked at me in all seriousness and said...Moby Dick. I CRACKED UP. She wasn't kidding, though!!!!!! Then she grabbed a baseball and put it in a sock and cradled it and said it was Moby Dick. That is, until my dog took it out of her hands and started swinging it as fast as he could in circles and trying to eat it. My sister was all, "MOBY DICK! NOOOOO!" I was laughing my butt off. So anyway, the moral of this story is don't name your newborn baby after a giant white whale.

Elbow Writing

Okay, I recently got a forwarded email that asks you to try writing your name using only your elbows, no backspace, and no StickyKeys. If you don't know what StickyKeys is, hit the shift button 5 times. So, now I'm asking any of you to leave a comment in only elbow writing. It's really hard. You have been warned. Here I go!

Nbgeccccaa    That was supposed to say Becca. Oops. I am a failiure at elbow writing. 

Holiday Bear

Please welcome the HOLIDAY BEAR!!!!  He's here with us to celebrate the 4th of July. He can also be hired for Birthday Parties, Barmitzvahs, and Funerals.  Ladies and gentlemen, THE HOLIDAY BEAR!

List of Words Picture

This is a butternut squash gulping down a carrot near the horizon line while listening to reggae music and he's surronded by a porpsksillion flies (the little black dots) and a rabbit is jumping through a loop annd he's zen because he's listening to meditation music on his ipod. Yeah. Cuz I'm that awesome.

List of Words

I don't know what to write today, so I'm just going to post a list of my favorite words. Yeah. Cuz I'm that awesome. That's not how you spell the shorter term for "because". I don't care. Cuz I'm that awesome. Anywho, list of words.

  • Butternut
  • Carrot
  • Horizon
  • Reggae
  • Gulp
  • Loop
  • Porpskillion (Hat tip to
  • Zen
And you can bet that for my next post, I will draw a picture of something that combines all of theses words. Cuz I'm that awesome.

No More

No more tournament, I'm afraid. Since I switched to blogspot, I'm not sure how to set up a poll. But whatever. It probably wasn't as awesome an idea as I thought it was to begin with. I still like blogspot better, though. Wordpress sometimes put up ads and to subscribe you had to have your own wordpress blog. With blogspot you can follow if you have a twitter, yahoo, or gmail account. (hint, hint) Wait, look! What's that? Oh my god it's a MANATEE!


Have any of YOU people ever done something completely random for no reason at all in the middle of the night? No? Didn't think so. But anyway, it was late and I was tired, but for some reason I decided it would be a good idea to- right then -clean my room. If you are one of my friends ir someone that knows me really well reading this, your reaction is probably, "OK...wait, WHAT? YOUR ROOM? Cleaned? Preposterous!" But it is true. Before, you couldn't step in my room without stepping on something. Seriously. Clothes and my sister's toys and stuff...I share a room with my sister, and we both enjoy procrastinating, so my room gets cleaned about once a never. Ever. But it is now. Mostly. The question is WHY? Why did I clean my room in the middle of the night when I was already super tired? WHY? The world may never know.

7 Ways to Make My Blog Super Popular

1. Rent a velociraptor from your local zoo. Ride up and down the street on your velociraptor, ringing people's doorbells and screaming at them to read my blog. 

2.Walk into the fanciest resteraunt you can think of wearing a duck suit. Ask to be seated at the table with the most seats, even though you are all by yourself. When the waiter/waitress comes by, give them a sticker and tell them to read my blog. Order a glass of water and ask for the bill.

3. Host a "Becca's Blog is Awesome" party. Invite people such as:
  • your best friend
  • your uncle
  • your best friend's uncle
  • your best friend's uncle's grandmother's sister's daughter's neice.
  • your grandmother
  • Ke$ha
  • Ke$ha's pet unibear (cross between a unicorn and a bear)
  • The Grim Reaper
  • your hamster's cousin in-law
4. Hold Orlando Bloom hostage and don't let him go until everyone one the planet has read my blog.

5. Call a museum. Tell them you found bigfoot and he's downstairs in your basement reading my blog.

6.  Move to Narnia. Bring your laptop. They don't have internet in Narnia and will therefore be astounded at my blog and worshhip me as a god. Get each of the talking animals a laptop for Christmas so that they can read my blog on their own.

7.  Dress up as Santa Claus and bring a bullhorn to the middle of Times Square. Say into the bullhorn, "Nobody gets presents this year because Becca's blog is a gift to all of humanity." Then state my Blog URL and drive home.

* Make sure to check out my earlier posts because I blogged like 4 times today so you may have missed some.

Apparently I'm a Life & Hope Killer Thief

Okay. So today at dinner, we were eating outside on my deck, and my sister saw an ant crossing the table. I asked her if she wanted me to get rid of it and she said yes and so I killed it. And she started SOBBING! She was all, "I was starting to LIKE that ant! I was thinking of keeping it as a pet! I wanted you to MOVE it, not KILL it!" I didn't know what to do. My mom tried to comfort her by telling her that from now on we would only kill tics and mosquitos. And I said,
"And spiders." And she started sobbing again! She kept talking about how spiders help the enviroment and without them we wouldn't be here and stuff, but honestly, I don't care. Spiders are freaking SCARY. So she went insude, still crying, but every now and then, she would stick her head out the door and call me something like Life Theif or Hope Killer or Helpfulness Killer-Thief. So then I went downstairs to blog about it and she came down and showed me a picture she drew. It was a disturbing picture of her sobbing. I told you I was a terrible person. But what can you do? Spiders are scary!


I drew a  dinosaur. And although my radical drawing kills may tell you otherwise, I am not a wizard. Probably.

Pyscho Suzie's and Shakespeare

Last night I went to a Tiki Bar in Minneapolis called Psycho Suzie's.  It was pretty awesome. It had big Tiki Statues all over and really good food. There's like a mini waterfall at the front door, too. But anyway, yeah. It was just awesome. So then, afterwards, I went and saw this preformance of The Comedy of Errors by Shakespeare and Company and it was HILARIOUS!!!!! Seriously. Except, there was this one part where This guy who was one of the leads wig fell off. And he was all, "My hair!"
And the guy who was talking to him said, "So much I didn't know about him."
HA! I laugh at failiure because I'm a terrible person.  I just am.  I make babies cry. Not really. But today I was eating breakfast at this resteraunt at a booth, and in the booth behind us was this little baby who kept turning around and trying to play peekaboo with me. And she dropped two packets of Hot Sauce on my my mom. Yeah. It was pretty cute.

Pablo the Walrus

I made a picture on Paint of Pablo the Walrus.

He has a sombrero.

Special Dog

Today, My Dog woke me up at seven. He jumped onto the bed chewing his squeaky toy and making this noise that sounded like an elephant dying. So  I went downstairs to let him out, and the moment I closed the glass door and he was outside, he started giving me this look like, "why did you leave me all alone I want to come back in!"  So then I had to let him in. When I did that, he started running around in circles with a toy bear in his mouth until I got dizzy. Then I tried to go back to sleep. I had this weird dream that I was in kindergarten with my sister who's actually in 3rd grade. And we were taught by this poster of Abraham Lincoln. And then we watched a play about cows who did a ballet and then leaped into a mudhole. I woke up feeling very confused. Right now, Zeppy is lying on the floor as if I killed his heart by not running in circles with him at 7:00 in the morning. He's a special dog...

Guys and Dolls and Pablo the Walrus

So tonight, I'm staying up late to write a post about the traveling Broadway preformance of Guys and Dolls because I'm an ACHEIVER! It was...yeah. It went mostly like this:
At least that was my interpretation of it. Also, my brother is leaving tomorrow at 4AM with my grandmother to Massachussets. He's not going to come back until July 3rd. He says he's going deep sea fishing and he wants to catch a walrus. Maybe he could bring it home and it could live in our bathtub! I would name it Pablo. Pablo the walrus. That has a nice ring to it, right? Remember to take the poll from the last post! Thanks!

Grandma's in town!

You know how I said I went to Madison? Well, n the way back we picked up my grandmother and now she's staying with us. And yes, we planned this. It's not like she was hitch-hiking and we just happened to be the ones who picked her up. She's pretty awesome. Tomorrow, however, we are going to see the play Guys and Dolls. Because it's apparently one of her favorites. And don't worry. I am definitely going to write a summary either tomorrow or Wednesday. I'm pretty sure it's about people who gamble about horses and then they get in trouble with their girlfriends. It's set in the 1950's. They didn't have INTERNET back then!!!!!! Can you imagine a world with no internet??? I'm pretty sure my computer is softly weeping at the thought.

Dog Pic.

 I found a picture of Zeppy.

Guess where I am...

Wow!!! I'm in my hometown right now- Madison, Wisconsin. It's a five hour drive from where I live. For the most part I slept, but when I woke up I found my brother was sticking his head out the window like a dog. No, really. Not kidding. When he put his head back in, he  had a kind of 80's hairstyle. After that he decided fidgeting and talking without stopping for the next two hours would be a good idea. He pissed everyone off. Like, he would NOT shut up!!!! This is my face before 5 hour car ride with my brother :) this is my face after >:(       Allso, when we got to Madison, we had an awesome lunch at a Tibetin resteraunt. They had these delicious dumplings called Momos. I like me some Momos!!!!

Dancing Pig!

You CAN'T not love this.     

Is it NORMAL for a dog to eat this much?

I have a dog named Zeppelin. We call him Zeppy for short. My dog loves food, like most dogs. He will eat anything. Two days ago, actually, my brother poured canola oil in his water and he drank ALL of it. Then he kept almost throwing up but not. He was, like, hacking. I got sorta worried, but he was still breathing so it was all good. And the day before that, he ate a block of imported dutch cheese. An entire block. I mean, he's done it before, so it wasn't THAT big a time, when my friend and I were working on a science project for a science fair he ate a block of cheddar that was used for our experiment. And two months ago, he ate his most epic thing yet- two loaves of bread. One of them still had the plastic on, so he ate that, too. You'd think he'd have learned his lesson after that, but no. The very next day, he ate the last loaf of bread we owned. That's three loaves of bread and one plastic bag in two days, folks. Isn't that a world record or something? I can't find a picture of him anywhere, but rest assured that I will be posting one soon. I found a picture of the imported cheese on google, though: 


This morning my brother called me outside. I was all just awake and tired, but he insisted. What did I find, you may ask? A squirrel, throwing itself onto my window as if trying to break in. It continued doing this for the better part of twenty minutes. The window was just a screen, so it was actually possible that the squirrel would break through and land in our house. My only explanation? Clearly, a very small person in a squirrel suit was trying to rob us. Can't fool me, person who feels the need to dress like a squirrel with a disease in order to rob a house. And yes, this actually happened.

New Blog for Becca!

So I decided to start a blog. I really don't know what I was thinking. This is supposed to be a humor, yeah. I'm going to distract you from how terrible this post is with a picture of a bear now.I really don't think that there's anything quite awesome as bears. So, one more thing you ought to know about my site: It is only for those who enjoy the stranger things in life. The people who laugh at abnormality. Also, bears. And it may not be much yet, but one day it might very well rule the world!!!!! Or at least a little corner of it. So, keep reading, it will get better than this.